Thursday, November 29, 2007

Heralding Angel on Velvet

This piece was done on velvet. The wings and trumpet are beaded. The banner is one inch by one inch. All stitches are split stitch done to look like the short and long style of the satin stitch. This I have found works better because it is less likely to snag, yet it looks like it was done in satin stitch. This was the first time I had done this comprehensive of a pattern with both thred and beads. I love the intricate detail of the banner, and have plans to do something like it again (when my back burner projects get caught, does that ever happen?) but not sure what design I am going to use.

My roommates consider me OCD because I work on things that are so detailed. I will post pics gradually and you can decide for yourselves if you agree with them. (Personally, I tend to ...uh.....ah heck..... I agree with them--sometimes.)

1 comment:

Bette said...

What a beautiful angel.